Sunday, July 22, 2012

University of California, San Diego dawned on me today I've been doing The Sunday Morning Shot for over two months now. I know...bad pun...forgive me...but moving on! I'm starting to get used to the early rise. Today I felt quite relaxed heading out this morning. Maybe it's my relaxed mood that led me to photo I selected for this morning's post.

I knew the forecast called for fog, haze and cloud no epic sunrise this Sunday. I chose UCSD as my locale today. Partly because I can find good subjects there without needing Mother Nature at her finest. And partly as a scouting trip. As I walked through a very quiet campus, I passed by an open seating area near the main book store. The metal chairs and tables caught my eye. At another time of the day, a fine place to sip a coffee, read a book, relax, or just watch the world go by.

Al Fresco Seating Area, UCSD
Watch my Google+ posts for more shots of UCSD in the next few days. I have a few more photos to process - fingers crossed for some worth sharing.

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