Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oceanside Pier

Earlier in the week I stumbled across some older photos taken on the boardwalks along the Jersey Shore. I grew up there, and the boardwalks were always a great place to go anytime of the year. The summers were fun, energetic, bustling. Winters a totally different feel. Feeling nostalgic, I wanted to visit the boardwalk again. San Diego doesn't have boardwalks per se...but we've got a few piers. And Oceanside Pier is a great one.

I reached Oceanside a full hour before sunrise. The pier is open 24 hours, and the fisherman were out in full force. From the looks of it, many had been there for several hours. Out on the pier, looking back to the shore, everything was incredibly blue - a warm, inviting blue. I took several shots from atop the pier, then meandered down to the beach.

Now looking west, it was a very different shade of blue. Deep, rich tones. This is the shot to share this morning:

Oceanside Pier
Processing notes: Single shot about a 30s exposure at f/16. In Aperture, crafted 5 "exposures" for a +2 EV to -2 EV range, tone mapped in Photomatix. Some masking and contrast in Perfect Effects. Final touches back in Aperture. I'm split on whether or not I like the lens flare, particularly in the left side of the frame. I might experiment more with brushing that out.

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