Sunday, November 25, 2012

Windansea, La Jolla

I almost gave up during the drive to Windansea beach in La Jolla this morning. As I headed toward the ocean, the fog became incredibly thick. Roughly 100 feet of visibility on the freeways, if that. I'm glad I didn't give up and just go home.

The air was clearer at the shoreline, but the fog held thick up to - and through - sunrise. Shuffling carefully down the bluffs, I tempted high tide taking long exposures close to the water's edge. Occasionally, acting as a human shield for my camera from the ocean spray. The photo below looks calm and serene, but all of that soft, white mist came from a lot of waves crashing against the rocks.

Windansea, La Jolla

Processing notes: Apple Aperture only. Single exposure on the order of 4 1/2 minutes. Definition on the rocks, a touch of vibrancy to boost the blues and greens of the ocean, sharpening to the entire image.

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