Sunday, June 24, 2012

Miramar Lake

I did not want to get up this morning. A spur of the moment hike last evening to get a sunset shot from a nearby hilltop left me quite tired. And, as Murphy demands, I couldn't sleep. When the alarm went off at 4am, I lay motionless, staring at the ceiling for a good 20 minutes, debating whether or not to head out. If not now, then when? I got up...

I chose Miramar Lake as this morning's subject. I used to bicycle and roller blade around the lake. Ever since 9/11, segments of the lake loop have been fenced off. I can't say I know the reasons behind it. As I approached the lake, the skies did not look promising. A lot of cloud cover. A hint of color, a light magenta to the west, already starting to fade.

With sunrise about 30 minutes away, the clouds started to break on the horizon, that warm orange glow starting to bleed through. A good contrast to the dark streaks of clouds holding to the horizon. Ducks quacking loudly. A few fish splashing about, maybe heading for cover as the fisherman started rolling in.

Miramar Lake, San Diego
Technical notes:
I wanted to get about 6 inches higher with the tripod. I think the composition would be better with more water between the structure on the end of the dock and the treeline. I had my tripod fully extended, but as I write this, I realize I could have folded the legs in a hair - that probably would have gotten me what I wanted without sacrificing too much stability.

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