Sunday, June 3, 2012

Piedras Pintadas

Today was a bust. Well, at least with respect to what I was after. Was it David Noton that said a when a photographer views a scene, he or she must imagine what it could look like in different conditions? On my outing last week, I walked past a gently rolling hill, with an interesting rock formation on a hilltop in the distance. I'd imagined the scene at dawn, the soft morning light pulling the warmer colors from the desert scrub, a few clouds in the sky, and the first rays of dawn striking that rock formation. Yeah...that'd be a good shot.

But Mother Nature had different plans today. San Diego's "June Gloom" was in full effect this morning. An unbreaking blanket of could cover, a near uniform gray, just plain dull. I would not be getting the mind's eye shot today.

The salvageable shot of the day came before the actual sunrise, with the sky still holding its held its cool, blue tones. And I do like how the white blooms fit into the scene.

Piedras Pintadas, San Diego: ~10 Minutes Before Sunrise
We'll see what next Sunday yields.

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