Sunday, August 12, 2012

San Diego Skyline

San Diego Skyline
Not a bad photo, huh? An accident. A complete, total, happy accident. I had an entirely different shot in mind when I headed out this morning.

My plan was a more urban view of the downtown area of San Diego. I'd scoped out a spot in a hilly in the Balboa Park area with views of downtown and the freeways in the foreground. As I drove in, I noted there was enough traffic for some light trails - something I've been wanting to experiment with.

Then the problems started to stack up.

Problem 1 - Parking. Everywhere I turned parking was restricted before 6am. There weren't other cars parked, which suggested the posted signs were more than just guidelines. And in short order that was confirmed by parking patrols. I finally found a place to stash the car behind a large building in a secluded lot - also clearly marked with don't-park-here signs - but I'd be close enough to rush back if necessary.

Problem 2 - Composition. There was a fair amount of tree cover. I'd done some cyber-scouting on the location, and had overestimated what I'd be able to fit into frame. Crud.

Problem 3 - Safety. As I shuffled around, hoping to salvage a composition, I heard the movement of other people. I wasn't in a particularly bad neighborhood - at least to my knowledge. But I was in a secluded area, and it was dark - at least 90 minutes before sunrise. On the way in, I'd past a few homeless souls. Maybe I read one too many sinister news article this week, but fear set in. And not having a compelling photo to take, I bailed.

I decided to go to Coronado. The Coronado Bridge is always a good subject. As I crossed the bridge, I realized I could photograph downtown San Diego from Coronado - it's probably the most classic shot of the San Diego skyline. And I had plenty of time before sunrise. I walked along the Bayshore Bikeway and setup in boat launch directly facing downtown. Some great clouds hovered over the city, giving some great character to the sky.

I'm very lucky - and happy - that this morning wasn't a bust.

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